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There are some momentous things in the absence of which our state-of the-art life seems to be impossible. I mean music, sports, books and, of course, cinema. There cannot be the slightest doubt that cinema is believed to be a part and parcel of our life. It counts for much for the present society. Although cinema started up not so long ago, just at the beginnin' of the 20th century, it took on very quickly, and turned into one of the most popular arts and entertainments. Indeed, people of all over the world watch various films practically every day and luxuriate in them very much. Most of them consider cinema to be an indispensable part of their life, 'cause it makes their existence more engrossing', exhilaratin' and hilarious. It's as plain as a pikestaff that cinema helps people to abstract themselves from the problems of their lives and forget about the matters that are not pleasant for them. I mean cinema helps them to carry through all before one. I also should say that sometimes cinema can work up sublime, exalted and lofty feelings, deep and profound emotions in the heart of a person. They can help us in self-education, 'cause sometimes it narrates many absorbing and useful things.
As a matter of a fact cinema pieces together many various arts, to wit: paintin', belles-lettres, theatre, music. Consequently people of different vocations are drawn in in film production. I mean scriptwriters, directors, cameramen, costume designers, producers, actors, actresses, walk-on-players and many others. All the professions are very momentous, each of them play an important and inalienable part.
You know that films are demonstrated in cinemas. In our country there are a lot of them in any borough. But unfortunately most of them, especially provincial ones, are often not crowded. I'm tending to the point of view that watchin' reels in cinema has ceased to catch on among the provincial people, 'cause films shown there are mostly stale and trite and they have already gone out of fashion. Another reason for it is that people prefer to stay at home and watch reels on TV or video. As regards the centers of Russia, which are Moscow and St.Petersburg, cinemas there are usually sold out, 'cause people get a kick out of seeing a film in those posh cinemas. Moscow stylish and smart adolecence put cinema down for a sign of keepin' up with current vogue. The reels showed there are often very sumptuous and stunning, sometimes people can feast their eye on watchin' the opening night. For instance, once my dear full brother Dima found himself in Moscow cinema which is called 'Kodak - kinomir'. And by a happy chance he watched the first night of a very illustrious film by Russian director Hikita Mikhalkov 'Sibirsky Tsirulnuk'. Dima told me that many representatives of the cream of the orop had assisted at it. The hall had been crowded out. There had been a lot of people to look on. The film had been rather slap-up and snazzy and afterwards it brought down the whole house. The spectators had been so flabbergasted that they had wept some tears, 'cause the film pulled at their heartstrings and they had rendered their homage towards Hikita Mikhalkov sitting up.
It's as sure as eggs is eggs that there are various kinds of films, videlicet: feature films, documentary films, newsreels, block-busters, comedy, thrillers and others. As for me I prefer to watch psychological tragic films, 'cause to my mind they reverberate our real life, all its hardships and adversities. They make us contemplate about the essence of human makin' out , the purpose of every person in the world. I'm tendin' to tending to the point of view that Russian films are the most realistic. My favorite reel is ' I put my trust in you'. This is the story about a Russian children's home, about heinous and eerie attitude of tutors towards kids. After I had watched this film I was deeply staggered by all the horrors of the children's house, by terrible destiny of little infants. I was even on the point of feelings with tears, 'cause I was pulled at my heartstrings.
You know that the best films are always conferred different prizes, for instance award for the best actor, for the best actress, for the best film producer, for the best film script, for the best walk-on-player and others. In Russia the best films are awarded the prizes of 'Nika', 'Kinotavr', 'Moscow cinema festival'. The most prestigious Europe award is Kann Award that is always held in France. But there cannot be the slightest doubt that the most stunnin' and popular award is Oscar. The best film of all the times is 'Titanic' by American film producer James Cameron. For what I know it was awarded 9 prizes.
So cinema can work up sublime and exalted feeling and vice verse sometimes it can evoke ghastly and heinous sentiments. Films may show witches at work, doing horrible things and in doing so they convey a warning against superstition and the dementia it can spawn. They may show people under extreme duress, set upon by human or inhuman creatures, but in doing so they teach people how duress can be handled. Unfortunately, tapes showing death are widely available nowadays. I'm afraid all these terrible things are liked by many youngsters, who often take a try to do something similar. So I guess reel violence increase violence in society and that's why horrible things must be banned to show.
But despite of such kind of violence cinema remains a very significant part of our life. In many aspects it's indispensable. It's wonderful food for thought. It's a splendid and prodigious encyclopaedia of life. And there's no doubt whatever that that's the stunning and miraculous source of entertaining and exhilarating people. One way or another it can make us walk on air.

Who can be called an educated person? What makes a person educated? What kind of people can be designated as educated? All these queries may have a lot of replies, 'cause everybody has one's own ideas, creeds and notions, but on the whole the answers will be similar, 'cause an educated person must be endowed with many important human traits, colossal wits and mentality, pretty good manners of behavin'. So now I'm going to tell you who to my mind an educated person is.
First, educated person implies being intelligent and intellectual one. This person must have all-round education. He must be versatile, 'cause if a person warms up just to one concrete realm of knowledge, if he focus his heed just to one sphere without interesting in others, if he makes a regular thing just of one affair without taking into consideration other fields, this means that a person has a constricted outlook. Consequently we can't designate him as educated one. Perhaps, I exaggerate but an educated person must be endowed with knowledge of arts and history as well as of mathematics, physics, astronomy, geography, chemistry and so on and so forth. It's as sure as eggs is eggs that a person can't be good at all the domains. Of course, nay! It seems to be beyond belief! It bears on extraordinary matchless people who are called geniuses, such like Lomonosov. I mean an educated person must know backbones of many realms, but he mustn't be good at all of them. An educated person must be capable in some concrete fields, but interested in many sciences, 'cause if a person has gaps in some fields he can't be called educated. Another momentous aspect of educated person is feeling at home in some foreign languages. It's indispensable, 'cause nowadays foreign languages have become a part and parcel of our making out. It's key to the success. I should say that sometimes having a command of some foreign languages betokens high plane of education. But if a person feels at home in no languages he isn't revered by people, he isn't reckoned with. But if a person knows some foreign languages excellent he may be deemed as a classy official not only in our state but also abroad. So we arrive at a conclusion that the main factor of every educated person is being intellectual and intelligent, being all-round man, being a person with a spacious mind.
Another indispensable important factor of every educated person is being cultivated and well-brought up, 'cause if a clever person swears like a trooper, if he talks gossip, if he wipes smb's eye, if he gets at smb, if he conducts himself badly he isn't considered to be educated person, 'cause an educated person never ventures bad behavior. An educated person must have pretty good manners of behaving. To my mind he must be serene, restrained and imperturbable in ticklish situations. He must act himself as befits really cultivated person. A case in point is Erkule Puaro, the main hero of the same name novel written by Agatha Kristi.
I'm tending to the point of view that educated person implies such momentous factor like experience. An educated person must know many aspects of life and many aspects of his field. He must know his realm pretty good. I mean he must amass knowledge during his whole life, he must have practice in his domain. Educated person means versed, skilful and efficient one. An educated person is able to extricate from a difficulty. An educated person doesn't see hindrances and impediments to progress.
So to cut a long story short an educated person must possess of three main traits, to wit: big mental power, experience and good breeding. Unfortunately nowadays there is a very small number of such people, there are very few really educated people. To my mind nowadays only teachers, doctors, artists and scientists fall into the category of educated people, 'cause their vocations are the most humane. I won't deny that there are a lot of other professions that have really educated people but most of them appertain to teachers, doctors, artists and scientists.
As for me one of my life intentions is to be really educated. I take a tumble that to pass into an educated person is not like a house on fire. I realize that it will be rather difficult, 'cause it calls for hard tireless work. I have to bend over backwards to attain everything I crave for. I have to peg away badly at languages, realms where I'm good at, I have to wire in day in, day out. It's rather complex, but nevertheless I aspire and I will aspire to become really educated.

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